- uji
- test.EventContextOptions
- test.EventContextOptions # auth
- test.EventContextOptions # authType
- test.EventContextOptions # eventId
- test.EventContextOptions # params
- test.EventContextOptions # timestamp
- test.WrappedFunction
- test.analytics
- test.analytics.exampleAnalyticsEvent
- test.analytics.makeAnalyticsEvent
- test.auth
- test.auth.exampleUserRecord
- test.auth.makeUserRecord
- test.cleanup
- test.crashlytics
- test.crashlytics.exampleIssue
- test.crashlytics.makeIssue
- test.database
- test.database.exampleDataSnapshot
- test.database.exampleDataSnapshotChange
- test.database.makeDataSnapshot
- test.firestore
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # createTime
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # firebaseApp
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # readTime
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # updateTime
- test.firestore.exampleDocumentSnapshot
- test.firestore.exampleDocumentSnapshotChange
- test.firestore.makeDocumentSnapshot
- test.makeChange
- test.mockConfig
- test.pubsub
- test.pubsub.exampleMessage
- test.pubsub.makeMessage
- test.storage
- test.storage.exampleObjectMetadata
- test.storage.makeObjectMetaData
- test.wrap
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Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better mobile and web apps, improve app quality, and grow your business.
Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better mobile and web apps, improve app quality, and grow your business.
Mengenali Teks dalam Gambar dengan ML Kit di Android
ML Kit for Firebase menyediakan solusi ML siap pakai bagi developer aplikasi. Aplikasi baru harus menggunakan library ML Kit mandiri untuk ML di perangkat dan Firebase ML untuk ML berbasis cloud.