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#include <credential.h>
Use phone number text messages to authenticate.
Allows developers to use the phone number and SMS verification codes to authenticate a user on a mobile device.
This class is not supported on tvOS and Desktop platforms.
The verification flow results in a Credential that can be used to,
- Sign in to an existing phone number account/sign up with a new phone number
- Link a phone number to a current user. This provider will be added to the user.
- Update a phone number on an existing user.
- Re-authenticate an existing user. This may be needed when a sensitive operation requires the user to be recently logged in.
Possible verification flows: (1) User manually enters verification code.
- App calls VerifyPhoneNumber.
- Web verification page is displayed to user where they may need to solve a CAPTCHA. [iOS only].
- Auth server sends the verification code via SMS to the provided phone number. App receives verification id via Listener::OnCodeSent().
- User receives SMS and enters verification code in app's GUI.
- App uses user's verification code to call PhoneAuthProvider::GetCredential.
(2) SMS is automatically retrieved (Android only).
- App calls VerifyPhoneNumber with
> 0. - Auth server sends the verification code via SMS to the provided phone number.
- SMS arrives and is automatically retrieved by the operating system. Credential is automatically created and passed to the app via Listener::OnVerificationCompleted().
(3) Phone number is instantly verified (Android only).
- App calls VerifyPhoneNumber.
- The operating system validates the phone number without having to send an SMS. Credential is automatically created and passed to the app via Listener::OnVerificationCompleted().
All three flows can be handled with the example code below. The flow is complete when PhoneVerifier::credential() returns non-NULL.
class PhoneVerifier : public PhoneAuthProvider::Listener { public: PhoneVerifier(const char* phone_number, PhoneAuthProvider* phone_auth_provider) : display_message_("Sending SMS with verification code"), display_verification_code_input_box_(false), display_resend_sms_button_(false), phone_auth_provider_(phone_auth_provider), phone_number_(phone_number) { SendSms(); } ~PhoneVerifier() override {} void OnVerificationCompleted(Credential credential) override { // Grab `mutex_` for the scope of `lock`. Callbacks can be called on // other threads, so this mutex ensures data access is atomic. MutexLock lock(mutex_); credential_ = credential; } void OnVerificationFailed(const std::string& error) override { MutexLock lock(mutex_); display_message_ = "Verification failed with error: " + error; } void OnCodeSent(const std::string& verification_id, const PhoneAuthProvider::ForceResendingToken& force_resending_token) override { MutexLock lock(mutex_); verification_id_ = verification_id; force_resending_token_ = force_resending_token; display_verification_code_input_box_ = true; display_message_ = "Waiting for SMS"; } void OnCodeAutoRetrievalTimeOut( const std::string& verification_id) override { MutexLock lock(mutex_); display_resend_sms_button_ = true; } // Draw the verification GUI on screen and process input events. void Draw() { MutexLock lock(mutex_); // Draw an informative message describing what's currently happening. ShowTextBox(display_message_.c_str()); // Once the time out expires, display a button to resend the SMS. // If the button is pressed, call VerifyPhoneNumber again using the // force_resending_token_. if (display_resend_sms_button_ && !verification_id_.empty()) { const bool resend_sms = ShowTextButton("Resend SMS"); if (resend_sms) { SendSms(); } } // Once the SMS has been sent, allow the user to enter the SMS // verification code into a text box. When the user has completed // entering it, call GetCredential() to complete the flow. if (display_verification_code_input_box_) { const std::string verification_code = ShowInputBox("Verification code"); if (!verification_code.empty()) { credential_ = phone_auth_provider_->GetCredential( verification_id_.c_str(), verification_code.c_str()); } } } // The phone number verification flow is complete when this returns // non-NULL. Credential* credential() { MutexLock lock(mutex_); return credential_.is_valid() ? &credential_ : nullptr; } private: void SendSms() { static const uint32_t kAutoVerifyTimeOut = 2000; MutexLock lock(mutex_); phone_auth_provider_->VerifyPhoneNumber( phone_number_.c_str(), kAutoVerifyTimeOut, &force_resending_token_, this); display_resend_sms_button_ = false; } // GUI-related variables. std::string display_message_; bool display_verification_code_input_box_; bool display_resend_sms_button_; // Phone flow related variables. PhoneAuthProvider* phone_auth_provider_; std::string phone_number_; std::string verification_id_; PhoneAuthProvider::ForceResendingToken force_resending_token_; Credential credential_; // Callbacks can be called on other threads, so guard them with a mutex. Mutex mutex_; };
Public static attributes |
const char *const
The string used to identify this provider.
Public functions |
GetCredential(const char *verification_id, const char *verification_code)
Generate a credential for the given phone number.
VerifyPhoneNumber(const PhoneAuthOptions & options, PhoneAuthProvider::Listener *listener)
Start the phone number authentication operation.
Public static functions |
GetInstance(Auth *auth)
Return the PhoneAuthProvider for the specified
auth . |
Classes |
firebase:: |
Token to maintain current phone number verification session. |
firebase:: |
Receive callbacks from VerifyPhoneNumber events. |
Public static attributes
const char *const kProviderId
The string used to identify this provider.
Public functions
PhoneAuthCredential GetCredential( const char *verification_id, const char *verification_code )
Generate a credential for the given phone number.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
New Credential.
void VerifyPhoneNumber( const PhoneAuthOptions & options, PhoneAuthProvider::Listener *listener )
Start the phone number authentication operation.
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Parameters |
Public static functions
PhoneAuthProvider & GetInstance( Auth *auth )
Return the PhoneAuthProvider for the specified auth
Details | |||
Parameters |