- kiểm tra
- test.EventContextOptions
- test.EventContextOptions # auth
- test.EventContextOptions # authType
- test.EventContextOptions # eventId
- test.EventContextOptions # params
- test.EventContextOptions # dấu thời gian
- test.WrappedFunction
- test.analytics
- test.analytics.exampleAnalyticsEvent
- test.analytics.makeAnalyticsEvent
- test.auth
- test.auth.exampleUserRecord
- test.auth.makeUserRecord
- test.cleanup
- test.crashlytics
- test.crashlytics.exampleIssue
- test.crashlytics.makeIssue
- test.database
- test.database.exampleDataSnapshot
- test.database.exampleDataSnapshotChange
- test.database.makeDataSnapshot
- test.firestore
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # createTime
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # firebaseApp
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # readTime
- test.firestore.DocumentSnapshotOptions # updateTime
- test.firestore.exampleDocumentSnapshot
- test.firestore.exampleDocumentSnapshotChange
- test.firestore.makeDocumentSnapshot
- test.makeChange
- test.mockConfig
- test.pubsub
- test.pubsub.exampleMessage
- test.pubsub.makeMessage
- test.storage
- test.storage.exampleObjectMetadata
- test.storage.makeObjectMetaData
- test.wrap
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Tìm hiểu thêmSendResponse
Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better mobile and web apps, improve app quality, and grow your business.
Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better mobile and web apps, improve app quality, and grow your business.
Nhận dạng văn bản trong hình ảnh bằng Bộ công cụ học máy trên Android
ML Kit for Firebase provided ready-to-use ML solutions for app developers. New apps should use the standalone ML Kit library for on-device ML and Firebase ML for cloud-based ML.