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Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object.
Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object. Developers can upload and download objects, get/set object metadata, and delete an object at a specified path. (see Google Cloud Storage)
Properties |
Return the Google Cloud Storage bucket that holds this object.
Returns the short name of this object.
Returns a new instance of StorageReference pointing to the parent location or null if this instance references the root location.
Returns the full path to this object, not including the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
Returns a new instance of StorageReference pointing to the root location.
Returns the FirebaseStorage service which created this reference.
Public functions |
Child(string pathString)
Returns a new instance of StorageReference pointing to a child location of the current reference.
Deletes the object at this StorageReference
Equals(object other)
override bool
Compares two storage reference URIs.
GetBytesAsync(long maxDownloadSizeBytes)
Task< byte[]>
Downloads the object from this StorageReference A byte array will be allocated large enough to hold the entire file in memory.
GetBytesAsync(long maxDownloadSizeBytes, IProgress< DownloadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken)
Task< byte[]>
Downloads the object from this StorageReference A byte array will be allocated large enough to hold the entire file in memory.
Task< Uri >
Retrieves a long lived download URL with a revokable token.
GetFileAsync(string destinationFilePath, IProgress< DownloadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken)
Downloads the object at this StorageReference to a specified system filepath.
override int
Create a hash of the URI string used by this reference.
Task< StorageMetadata >
Retrieves metadata associated with an object at this StorageReference
Task< Stream >
Downloads the object at this StorageReference via a Stream The resulting InputStream should be not be accessed on the main thread because calling into it may block the calling thread.
GetStreamAsync(Action< Stream > streamProcessor, IProgress< DownloadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken)
Downloads the object at this StorageReference via a Stream
PutBytesAsync(byte[] bytes, MetadataChange customMetadata, IProgress< UploadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken, Uri previousSessionUri)
Task< StorageMetadata >
Uploads byte data to this StorageReference This is not recommended for large files.
PutFileAsync(string filePath, MetadataChange customMetadata, IProgress< UploadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken, Uri previousSessionUri)
Task< StorageMetadata >
Uploads from a content URI to this StorageReference
PutStreamAsync(Stream stream, MetadataChange customMetadata, IProgress< UploadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken, Uri previousSessionUri)
Task< StorageMetadata >
Uploads a stream of data to this StorageReference The stream will remain open at the end of the upload.
override string
Returns |
This object in URI form, which can then be shared and passed into FirebaseStorage.GetReferenceFromUrl
UpdateMetadataAsync(MetadataChange metadata)
Task< StorageMetadata >
Updates the metadata associated with this StorageReference
string Bucket
string Name
Returns the short name of this object.
Details | |
Returns |
the name.
StorageReference Parent
Returns a new instance of StorageReference pointing to the parent location or null if this instance references the root location.
For example:
path = foo/bar/baz parent = foo/bar
path = foo parent = (root)
path = (root) parent = (null)
Details | |
Returns |
the parent StorageReference
string Path
Returns the full path to this object, not including the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
Details | |
Returns |
the path.
StorageReference Root
Returns a new instance of StorageReference pointing to the root location.
Details | |
Returns |
the root StorageReference
FirebaseStorage Storage
Returns the FirebaseStorage service which created this reference.
Details | |
Returns |
The FirebaseStorage service.
Public functions
StorageReference Child( string pathString )
Returns a new instance of StorageReference pointing to a child location of the current reference.
All leading and trailing slashes will be removed, and consecutive slashes will be compressed to single slashes. For example:
child = /foo/bar path = foo/bar
child = foo/bar/ path = foo/bar
child = foo///bar path = foo/bar
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
the child StorageReference
Task DeleteAsync()
Deletes the object at this StorageReference
Details | |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
override bool Equals( object other )
Compares two storage reference URIs.
Details | |
Returns |
true if two references point to the same path, false otherwise.
Task< byte[]> GetBytesAsync( long maxDownloadSizeBytes )
Downloads the object from this StorageReference A byte array will be allocated large enough to hold the entire file in memory.
Therefore, using this method will impact memory usage of your process. If you are downloading many large files,
may be a better option.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
Task< byte[]> GetBytesAsync( long maxDownloadSizeBytes, IProgress< DownloadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken )
Downloads the object from this StorageReference A byte array will be allocated large enough to hold the entire file in memory.
Therefore, using this method will impact memory usage of your process. If you are downloading many large files,
may be a better option.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
Task< Uri > GetDownloadUrlAsync()
Retrieves a long lived download URL with a revokable token.
Retrieves a long lived download URL with a revokable token. This can be used to share the file with others, but can be revoked by a developer in the Firebase Console if desired.
Details | |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
Task GetFileAsync( string destinationFilePath, IProgress< DownloadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken )
Downloads the object at this StorageReference to a specified system filepath.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
override int GetHashCode()
Create a hash of the URI string used by this reference.
Details | |
Returns |
Hash of this reference's URI.
Task< StorageMetadata > GetMetadataAsync()
Retrieves metadata associated with an object at this StorageReference
Details | |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
Task< Stream > GetStreamAsync()
Downloads the object at this StorageReference via a Stream The resulting InputStream should be not be accessed on the main thread because calling into it may block the calling thread.
Details | |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation.
Task GetStreamAsync( Action< Stream > streamProcessor, IProgress< DownloadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken )
Downloads the object at this StorageReference via a Stream
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the operation and obtain the result.
Task< StorageMetadata > PutBytesAsync( byte[] bytes, MetadataChange customMetadata, IProgress< UploadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken, Uri previousSessionUri )
Uploads byte data to this StorageReference This is not recommended for large files.
Instead upload a file via
or a Stream via
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the upload.
Task< StorageMetadata > PutFileAsync( string filePath, MetadataChange customMetadata, IProgress< UploadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken, Uri previousSessionUri )
Uploads from a content URI to this StorageReference
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the upload.
Task< StorageMetadata > PutStreamAsync( Stream stream, MetadataChange customMetadata, IProgress< UploadState > progressHandler, CancellationToken cancelToken, Uri previousSessionUri )
Uploads a stream of data to this StorageReference The stream will remain open at the end of the upload.
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A Task which can be used to monitor the upload.
override string ToString()
Details | |
Returns |
This object in URI form, which can then be shared and passed into FirebaseStorage.GetReferenceFromUrl
Task< StorageMetadata > UpdateMetadataAsync( MetadataChange metadata )
Updates the metadata associated with this StorageReference
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
a System.Threading.Tasks.Task that will return the final StorageMetadata once the operation is complete.