Firebase Unity API Reference
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Classes |
AppOptions | Options that control the creation of a Firebase App. |
FirebaseApp | Firebase application object. |
FirebaseApp.EnableModuleParams | |
FirebaseException | Exception thrown for any Task exception. |
InitializationException | The exception that is thrown when a problem occurs with initialization of a Firebase module or class. |
Classes |
FirebaseAnalytics | |
Parameter | Event parameter. |
Classes |
AppAttestProviderFactory | Implementation of an IAppCheckProviderFactory that builds providering using the App Attest service. |
DebugAppCheckProviderFactory | Implementation of an IAppCheckProviderFactory that builds DebugAppCheckProviders. |
DeviceCheckProviderFactory | Implementation of an IAppCheckProviderFactory that builds providering using the Device Check service. |
FirebaseAppCheck | Firebase App Check object. |
PlayIntegrityProviderFactory | Implementation of an IAppCheckProviderFactory that builds providering using the Play Integrity service. |
TokenChangedEventArgs | Passed to the FirebaseAppCheck.TokenChanged event. |
Interfaces |
IAppCheckProvider | Interface for a provider that generates AppCheckTokens. |
IAppCheckProviderFactory | Interface for a factory that generates AppCheckProviders. |
Structs |
AppCheckToken | Token used by the Firebase App Check service. |
Classes |
AdditionalUserInfo | Additional user data returned from an identity provider. |
AuthResult | The result of operations that can affect authentication state. |
Credential | Authentication credentials for an authentication provider. |
EmailAuthProvider | Use email and password to authenticate. |
FacebookAuthProvider | Use an access token provided by Facebook to authenticate. |
FederatedAuthProvider | Used to authenticate with Federated Auth Providers. |
FederatedOAuthProvider | Authenticates with Federated OAuth Providers via the firebase::auth::Auth and firebase::auth::User classes. |
FederatedOAuthProviderData | Contains information to identify an OAuth povider. |
FederatedProviderData | Contains information required to authenticate with a third party provider. |
FirebaseAccountLinkException | Exception thrown for failed Account Link Attempts. |
FirebaseAuth | Firebase authentication object. |
FirebaseUser | Firebase user account object. |
ForceResendingToken | Token to maintain current phone number verification session. |
GameCenterAuthProvider | GameCenter (Apple) auth provider. |
GitHubAuthProvider | Use an access token provided by GitHub to authenticate. |
GoogleAuthProvider | Use an ID token and access token provided by Google to authenticate. |
MicrosoftAuthProvider | Use an access token provided by Microsoft to authenticate. |
OAuthProvider | OAuth2.0+UserInfo auth provider (OIDC compliant and non-compliant). |
PhoneAuthCredential | Wraps phone number and verification information for authentication purposes. |
PhoneAuthOptions | Options object for configuring phone validation flows in PhoneAuthProvider. |
PhoneAuthProvider | Use phone number text messages to authenticate. |
PlayGamesAuthProvider | Use a server auth code provided by Google Play Games to authenticate. |
TwitterAuthProvider | Use a token and secret provided by Twitter to authenticate. |
UserInfoInterface | Interface implemented by each identity provider. |
UserMetadata | Metadata corresponding to a Firebase user. |
UserProfile | Parameters to the UpdateUserProfile() function. |
Interfaces |
IUserInfo | Interface implemented by each identity provider. |
Classes |
Crashlytics | FirebaseCrashlytics API |
Classes |
ChildChangedEventArgs | Child changed event arguments. |
DatabaseError | Instances of DatabaseError are passed within event arguments when an operation failed. |
DatabaseException | This error is thrown when the FirebaseDatabase library is unable to operate on the input it has been given. |
DatabaseReference | A Firebase reference represents a particular location in your FirebaseDatabase and can be used for reading or writing data to that FirebaseDatabase location. |
DataSnapshot | A DataSnapshot instance contains data from a FirebaseDatabase location. |
FirebaseDatabase | The entry point for accessing a FirebaseDatabase. |
MutableData | Instances of this class encapsulate the data and priority at a location. |
OnDisconnect | The OnDisconnect class is used to manage operations that will be Run on the server when this client disconnects. |
Query | The Query class (and its subclass, DatabaseReference ) are used for reading data. |
ServerValue | Contains placeholder values to use when writing data to the FirebaseDatabase. |
TransactionResult | Instances of this class represent the desired outcome of a single Run of a transaction. |
ValueChangedEventArgs | Event arguments passed with the Query.ValueChanged Event. |
Classes |
AndroidParameters | Android Parameters. |
DynamicLinkComponents | The information needed to generate a Dynamic Link. |
DynamicLinkOptions | Additional options for Dynamic Link creation. |
DynamicLinks | Firebase Dynamic Links API. |
GoogleAnalyticsParameters | Google Analytics Parameters. |
IOSParameters | iOS Parameters. |
ITunesConnectAnalyticsParameters | iTunes Connect App Analytics Parameters. |
ReceivedDynamicLink | The received Dynamic Link. |
ReceivedDynamicLinkEventArgs | Passed to the DynamicLinks.DynamicLinkReceived event. |
ShortDynamicLink | The returned value from creating a shortened Dynamic Link. |
SocialMetaTagParameters | Social meta-tag Parameters. |
Classes |
TaskExtension | Extension methods for System.Threading.Tasks.Task and System.Threading.Tasks.Task < T > that allow the continuation function to be executed on the main thread in Unity. |
Classes |
AggregateQuery | A query that calculates aggregations over an underlying query. |
AggregateQuerySnapshot | The results of executing an AggregateQuerySnapshot . |
CollectionReference | A reference to a collection in a Firestore database. |
DocumentChange | A DocumentChange represents a change to the documents matching a query. |
DocumentReference | A DocumentReference refers to a document location in a Cloud Firestore database and can be used to write, read, or listen to the location. |
DocumentSnapshot | An immutable snapshot of the data for a document. |
FieldPath | An immutable path of field names, used to identify parts of a document. |
FieldValue | A static class providing properties and methods to represent sentinel values. |
Filter | A Filter represents a restriction on one or more field values and can be used to refine the results of a Query. |
FirebaseFirestore | Represents a Cloud Firestore database and is the entry point for all Cloud Firestore operations. |
FirebaseFirestoreSettings | Settings used to configure a FirebaseFirestore instance. |
FirestoreDataAttribute | Attribute indicating that a type is intended to be used with Firestore. |
FirestoreDocumentIdAttribute | Attribute indicating that a property should be populated with the Firestore document ID. |
FirestoreEnumNameConverter< T > | Custom converter which uses enum value names instead of integer values as the Firestore representation. |
FirestoreException | A class of exceptions thrown by Cloud Firestore. |
FirestorePropertyAttribute | Attribute indicating that a property should be included in Firestore conversions. |
ListenerRegistration | Represents a listener for either document or query snapshots that is returned from Listen methods. |
LoadBundleTaskProgress | |
Query | A query which you can read or listen to. |
QuerySnapshot | A QuerySnapshot contains the results of a query. |
ServerTimestampAttribute | Attribute indicating that a timestamp property should be populated with a server timestamp. |
SetOptions | An options object that configures the behavior of SetAsync calls. |
SnapshotMetadata | Metadata about a snapshot, describing the state of the snapshot. |
Transaction | A transaction, as created by FirebaseFirestore.RunTransactionAsync{T}(System.Func{Transaction, Task{T}}) (and overloads) and passed to user code. |
TransactionOptions | Options to customize transaction behavior for FirebaseFirestore.RunTransactionAsync. |
WriteBatch | A batch of write operations, used to perform multiple writes as a single atomic unit. |
Structs |
Blob | An immutable sequence of bytes. |
GeoPoint | Immutable struct representing a geographic location in Cloud Firestore. |
Timestamp | A nanosecond-precision immutable timestamp. |
Classes |
FirebaseFunctions | FirebaseFunctions is a service that supports calling Google Cloud Functions. |
FunctionsException | Represents an Exception resulting from an operation on a FunctionsReference |
HttpsCallableReference | Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Functions HTTPS callable function. |
HttpsCallableResult |
Classes |
FirebaseInstallations | Installations provides a unique identifier for each app instance and a mechanism to authenticate and authorize actions (for example, sending an FCM message). |
Classes |
AndroidNotificationParams | Data structure for parameters that are unique to the Android implementation. |
FirebaseMessage | Data structure used to send messages to, and receive messages from, cloud messaging. |
FirebaseMessaging | Firebase Cloud Messaging API. |
FirebaseNotification | Used for messages that display a notification. |
MessageReceivedEventArgs | Event argument for the MessageReceived event containing the message data. |
MessagingOptions | A class to configure the behavior of Firebase Cloud Messaging. |
TokenReceivedEventArgs | Token argument for the TokenReceived event containing the token string. |
Classes |
ConfigInfo | Describes the state of the most recent Fetch() call. |
ConfigUpdateEventArgs | |
FirebaseRemoteConfig | Entry point for the Firebase C# SDK for Remote Config. |
Structs |
ConfigSettings | Settings for FirebaseRemoteConfig operations. |
ConfigValue | Wrapper for a Remote Config parameter value, with methods to get it as different types, such as bools and doubles, along with information about where the data came from. |
Classes |
DownloadState | DownloadState contains information for a download in progress. |
FirebaseStorage | FirebaseStorage is a service that supports uploading and downloading large objects to Google Cloud Storage. |
MetadataChange | MetadataChange is a set of new metadata values used during object upload or when modifying the metadata of an object. |
StorageException | Represents an Exception resulting from an operation on a StorageReference |
StorageMetadata | Metadata for a StorageReference Metadata stores default attributes such as size and content type. |
StorageProgress< T > | A class that receives progress updates for storage uploads and downloads. |
StorageReference | Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object. |
UploadState | UploadState contains information for an upload in progress. |
Additional Resources
Modules |
Analytics Events | Predefined event names. |
Analytics Parameters | Predefined event parameter names. |
Analytics User Properties | Predefined user property names. |