
@DataCollectionPurpose(dataTypes = [SemanticType.ST_ANALYTICS_ID, SemanticType.ST_PAYMENTS_TRANSACTION_INFO, SemanticType.ST_HARDWARE_ID, SemanticType.ST_IDENTIFYING_ID, SemanticType.ST_COARSE_LOCATION], collectionPurposes = [CollectionPurpose.CP_ANALYTICS])
public final class FirebaseAnalytics

The top level Firebase Analytics singleton that provides methods for logging events and setting user properties. See the developer guides for general information on using Firebase Analytics in your apps.

Applications can get an instance of this class by calling getInstance. getInstance is thread safe and can be called from any thread.


Nested types

The status value of the consent type.

The type of consent to set.

An Event is an important occurrence in your app that you want to measure.

Params supply information that contextualize Events.

A UserProperty is an attribute that describes the app-user.

Public methods

@NonNull Task<@Nullable String>
@SuppressViolation(value = "catch_specific_exceptions")

Retrieves the app instance id from the service, or null if ANALYTICS_STORAGE has been set to DENIED.

static @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics
@RequiresPermission(allOf = [Manifest.permission.INTERNET, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, Manifest.permission.WAKE_LOCK])
getInstance(@NonNull Context context)

Returns the singleton FirebaseAnalytics interface.

@NonNull Task<@Nullable Long>
@SuppressViolation(value = "catch_specific_exceptions")

Retrieves the session id from the client.

logEvent(@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 40) String name, @Nullable Bundle params)

Logs an app event.


Clears all analytics data for this app from the device and resets the app instance id.


Sets whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device.


Sets the applicable end user consent state (e.g., for device identifiers) for this app on this device.

    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @Nullable @Size(min = 1, max = 36) String screenName,
    @Nullable @Size(min = 1, max = 36) String screenClassOverride

This method is deprecated.

To log screen view events, call mFirebaseAnalytics.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SCREEN_VIEW, params) instead.


Adds parameters that will be set on every event logged from the SDK, including automatic ones.

setSessionTimeoutDuration(long milliseconds)

Sets the duration of inactivity that terminates the current session.


Sets the user ID property.

    @NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 24) String name,
    @Nullable @Size(max = 36) String value

Sets a user property to a given value.

Extension functions

final void
    @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics receiver,
    @NonNull String name,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull ParametersBuilderUnit> block

Fluent version of FirebaseAnalytics.logEvent.

final void
    @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics receiver,
    @NonNull String name,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull ParametersBuilderUnit> block

This method is deprecated. Migrate to use the KTX API from the main module:

final void

Fluent version of FirebaseAnalytics.setConsent.

final void

This method is deprecated. Migrate to use the KTX API from the main module:

Public methods


@SuppressViolation(value = "catch_specific_exceptions")
public @NonNull Task<@Nullable StringgetAppInstanceId()

Retrieves the app instance id from the service, or null if ANALYTICS_STORAGE has been set to DENIED.

@NonNull Task<@Nullable String>

Task with the result of the retrieval

See also


@RequiresPermission(allOf = [Manifest.permission.INTERNET, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, Manifest.permission.WAKE_LOCK])
public static @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics getInstance(@NonNull Context context)

Returns the singleton FirebaseAnalytics interface.

@NonNull Context context

the context used to initialize Firebase Analytics. Must not be null.


@SuppressViolation(value = "catch_specific_exceptions")
public @NonNull Task<@Nullable LonggetSessionId()

Retrieves the session id from the client. Returns null if ANALYTICS_STORAGE has been set to DENIED or session is expired.

@NonNull Task<@Nullable Long>

Task with the result of the retrieval

See also


public void logEvent(@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 40) String name, @Nullable Bundle params)

Logs an app event. The event can have up to 25 parameters. Events with the same name must have the same parameters. Up to 500 event names are supported. Using predefined Event and/or Param is recommended for optimal reporting.

@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 40) String name

The name of the event. Should contain 1 to 40 alphanumericcharacters or underscores. The name must start with an alphabeticcharacter. Some event names are reserved. See Event for the list of reserved event names. The "firebase_", "google_" and "ga_" prefixes are reserved and should not be used. Note that event names are case-sensitive and that logging two events whose names differ only in case will result in two distinct events.

@Nullable Bundle params

The map of event parameters. Passing null indicates that the event has no parameters. Parameter names can be up to 40 characters long and must start with an alphabeticcharacter and contain only alphanumericcharacters and underscores. String, long and double param types are supported. String parameter values can be up to 100 characters long. The "firebase_", "google_" and "ga_" prefixes are reserved and should not be used for parameter names.


public void resetAnalyticsData()

Clears all analytics data for this app from the device and resets the app instance id.


public void setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device. This setting is persisted across app sessions. By default it is enabled.

boolean enabled

Whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device.


public void setConsent(
    @NonNull Map<FirebaseAnalytics.ConsentTypeFirebaseAnalytics.ConsentStatus> consentSettings

Sets the applicable end user consent state (e.g., for device identifiers) for this app on this device. Use the consent map to specify individual consent type values. Settings are persisted across app sessions.

@NonNull Map<FirebaseAnalytics.ConsentTypeFirebaseAnalytics.ConsentStatus> consentSettings

The map of consent types. Supported consent type keys are AD_STORAGE, ANALYTICS_STORAGE, AD_USER_DATA and AD_PERSONALIZATION. Valid values are GRANTED and DENIED.


public void setCurrentScreen(
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @Nullable @Size(min = 1, max = 36) String screenName,
    @Nullable @Size(min = 1, max = 36) String screenClassOverride

Sets the current screen name, which specifies the current visual context in your app. This helps identify the areas in your app where users spend their time and how they interact with your app.

Note that screen reporting is enabled automatically and records the class name of the current Activity for you without requiring you to call this function. The class name can optionally be overridden by calling this function in the onResume callback of your Activity and specifying the screenClassOverride parameter.

If your app does not use a distinct Activity for each screen, you should call this function and specify a distinct screenName each time a new screen is presented to the user.

The name and classOverride remain in effect until the current Activity changes or a new call to setCurrentScreen is made.

This method must be called from the app's main thread.

@NonNull Activity activity

The activity to which the screen name and class name apply.

@Nullable @Size(min = 1, max = 36) String screenName

The name of the current screen. Set to null to clear the current screen name.

@Nullable @Size(min = 1, max = 36) String screenClassOverride

The name of the screen class. By default this is the class name of the current Activity. Set to null to revert to the default class name.


public void setDefaultEventParameters(@Nullable Bundle parameters)

Adds parameters that will be set on every event logged from the SDK, including automatic ones. The values passed in the parameters bundle will be added to the map of default event parameters. These parameters persist across app runs. They are of lower precedence than event parameters, so if an event parameter and a parameter set using this API have the same name, the value of the event parameter will be used. The same limitations on event parameters apply to default event parameters.

@Nullable Bundle parameters

Parameters to be added to the map of parameters added to every event. They will be added to the map of default event parameters, replacing any existing parameter with the same name. Valid parameter values are String, long, and double. Setting a key's value to null will clear that parameter. Passing in a null bundle will clear all parameters.


public void setSessionTimeoutDuration(long milliseconds)

Sets the duration of inactivity that terminates the current session. The default value is 1800000 (30 minutes).

long milliseconds

Session timeout duration in milliseconds


public void setUserId(@Nullable String id)

Sets the user ID property. This feature must be used in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy.

@Nullable String id

The user ID to ascribe to the user of this app on this device, which must be non-empty and no more than 256 characters long. Setting the ID to null removes the user ID.


public void setUserProperty(
    @NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 24) String name,
    @Nullable @Size(max = 36) String value

Sets a user property to a given value. Up to 25 user property names are supported. Once set, user property values persist throughout the app lifecycle and across sessions.

@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 24) String name

The name of the user property to set. Should contain 1 to 24 alphanumericcharacters or underscores and must start with an alphabeticcharacter. The "firebase_", "google_" and "ga_" prefixes are reserved and should not be used for user property names.

@Nullable @Size(max = 36) String value

The value of the user property. Values can be up to 36 characters long. Setting the value to null removes the user property.

Extension functions


public final void AnalyticsKt.logEvent(
    @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics receiver,
    @NonNull String name,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull ParametersBuilderUnit> block

Fluent version of FirebaseAnalytics.logEvent.

Example use:"myEvent") {
param(Params.VALUE, 3.99)
param(Params.CURRENCY, "USD")


public final void AnalyticsKt.logEvent(
    @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics receiver,
    @NonNull String name,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull ParametersBuilderUnit> block

Fluent version of FirebaseAnalytics.logEvent.

Example use:"myEvent") {
param(Params.VALUE, 3.99)
param(Params.CURRENCY, "USD")

Deprecation Notice: The Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs have been added to their respective main modules, and the Kotlin extension (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated. As early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.,


public final void AnalyticsKt.setConsent(
    @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull ConsentBuilderUnit> block

Fluent version of FirebaseAnalytics.setConsent.

Example use: {
adStorage = ConsentStatus.GRANTED
analyticsStorage = ConsentStatus.GRANTED
adUserData = ConsentStatus.GRANTED
adPersonalization = ConsentStatus.GRANTED


public final void AnalyticsKt.setConsent(
    @NonNull FirebaseAnalytics receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull ConsentBuilderUnit> block

Fluent version of FirebaseAnalytics.setConsent.

Example use: {
adStorage = ConsentStatus.GRANTED
analyticsStorage = ConsentStatus.GRANTED

Deprecation Notice: The Kotlin extensions (KTX) APIs have been added to their respective main modules, and the Kotlin extension (KTX) APIs in are now deprecated. As early as April 2024, we'll no longer release KTX modules. For details, see the FAQ about this initiative.,