
FirebaseFirestore Framework Reference


class AggregateField : NSObject, @unchecked Sendable

Represents an aggregation that can be performed by Firestore.

  • Create an AggregateField object that can be used to compute the count of documents in the result set of a query.

    The result of a count operation will always be a 64-bit integer value.



    class func count() -> Self

    Return Value

    AggregateField object that can be used to compute the count of documents in the result set of a query.

  • Create an AggregateField object that can be used to compute the sum of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

    The result of a sum operation will always be a 64-bit integer value, a double, or NaN.

    • Summing over zero documents or fields will result in 0L.
    • Summing over NaN will result in a double value representing NaN.
    • A sum that overflows the maximum representable 64-bit integer value will result in a double return value. This may result in lost precision of the result.
    • A sum that overflows the maximum representable double value will result in a double return value representing infinity.



    class func sum(_ field: String) -> Self



    Specifies the field to sum across the result set.

    Return Value

    AggregateField object that can be used to compute the sum of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

  • Create an AggregateField object that can be used to compute the sum of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

    The result of a sum operation will always be a 64-bit integer value, a double, or NaN.

    • Summing over zero documents or fields will result in 0L.
    • Summing over NaN will result in a double value representing NaN.
    • A sum that overflows the maximum representable 64-bit integer value will result in a double return value. This may result in lost precision of the result.
    • A sum that overflows the maximum representable double value will result in a double return value representing infinity.



    class func sum(_ fieldPath: FIRFieldPath) -> Self



    Specifies the field to sum across the result set.

    Return Value

    AggregateField object that can be used to compute the sum of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

  • Create an AggregateField object that can be used to compute the average of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

    The result of an average operation will always be a double or NaN.

    • Averaging over zero documents or fields will result in a double value representing NaN.
    • Averaging over NaN will result in a double value representing NaN.



    class func average(_ field: String) -> Self



    Specifies the field to average across the result set.

    Return Value

    AggregateField object that can be used to compute the average of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

  • Create an AggregateField object that can be used to compute the average of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.

    The result of an average operation will always be a double or NaN.

    • Averaging over zero documents or fields will result in a double value representing NaN.
    • Averaging over NaN will result in a double value representing NaN.



    class func average(_ fieldPath: FIRFieldPath) -> Self



    Specifies the field to average across the result set.

    Return Value

    AggregateField object that can be used to compute the average of a specified field over a range of documents in the result set of a query.